Thursday, November 17, 2011

Preparing for the First Rehearsal!

The first rehearsal of our new choir is almost upon us! Here are some things to be aware of....

1) There will be a registration form for parents to fill out. Please plan to spend a few minutes doing this so we have everyone's contact information.

2) Remember that the first $25 of the $150 registration fee is due at the first rehearsal, but that payment options are flexible! Please let me know if we need to work out a plan. Checks can be made out to Brian Clissold-VYS. I've opened a separate account for this choir but it is in my name.

3) Music, folders, and pencils will be provided!

4) Please enter through the archway at the BACK of the building. Trinity's address is Berry Street, but the parking lot in back is off of Wayne Street. We will rehearse upstairs in the choir room.

5) We could use a couple parent volunteers to watch the doors (they must remain locked) and one to be in the room so there are multiple grown ups in the rehearsal.

6) Rehearsal will begin at 9:30 am and finish promptly at 11:00 am.

7) A tentative calendar will be provided, but know that we will not have rehearsal over Thanksgiving weekend.

8) If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Mr. C at 260.255.4481 or email at

9) Sometime next week we will have a website. Updates will be posted on this blog and on our Facebook page:

10) We're going to have a TON of FUN!!!!!

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